Coaching for Success

Coaching is a way of gaining greater clarity and focus around areas in your life that may not be exactly as you would like them to be. Your coach acts as a tour guide who asks some pertinent questions that allow you to connect with yourself, in a completely judgment free and confidential environment. Most of all, coaching is fun!

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the relationship you have with the most important person in your life – YOU. This incredibly powerful relationship serves as the platform from which everything in your life evolves …. or not.

Sometimes it’s difficult to be objective about yourself or your business. Sometimes all you need is a sounding board, or someone to see a way forward that you haven’t realised. Your Inspire for Life coach listens, asks meaningful questions, gives you pointers, mentors and provides feedback. Valuable insights can be provided by our coaches to assist you to achieve your goals.

Every high performing individual is surrounded by mentors and coaches. Elite athletes, business leaders and great entertainers have a team of people supporting them to achieve their goals. An Inspire for Life coach also provides the accountability and follow up we all sometimes need to turn our dreams into reality. An Inspire for Life coach can assist you with setting goals and then developing a strategy for achieving them.

Inspire for Life coaching can help you learn about yourself, accepting your uniqueness and letting go of limiting beliefs allowing you to overcome your fear. We will work together to find new ways to approach old issues, changing sabotaging thoughts into thoughts that will support you. From this new found confidence and sustainable transformation in your life, you will observe the changes in your relationships and the way you interact with others. Understanding, forgiveness, genuineness and love are some of the changes that can occur when you willingly embrace and let go of un-resourceful beliefs and behaviours. Coaching will provide reinforcement and encouragement with these behavioural changes offering a fresh perspective.

Succeed with NLP

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is how to use the language of the mind to consistently achieve your specific desired outcome.

Language may be – pictures, sounds, feelings, tastes, smells, self-talk words and other nonverbal communication.

Our mind is the nervous system through which our experience is processed via five senses: visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory; to discover and utilise the programs that we run in our neurological systems.

In simpler terms, this is about building your emotional intelligence. By learning about yourself using the skills taught through NLP, you will develop enhanced understanding of your communication and how this affects the way you feel and what you choose to do or not do. Having this level of skill in your day to day dealings, enables you to think and act more effectively as you learn to identify the areas of your life where you are not achieving the successes you want.

NLP was developed in the 1970’s by mathematician Richard Bandler and linguist John Grinder through a process called modelling. They set out to discover what it is that makes the difference between someone who is good at a skill and someone who is an expert at the same skill. This involved studying the thoughts, personal perceptions, values and actions of the most successful people in various fields and replicated their strategies. These same skills can be learned and applied by anyone wanting to improve their effectiveness in achieving outcomes quicker and easier. NLP creates the right climate for success by giving you the tools to run more effective behaviours, manage your mental, emotional and physical states of well being at any time.
As an accredited NLP practitioner, we use NLP techniques in our sessions so that you achieve maximum benefit in obtaining effective and sustainable change.